CHRONIC DISEASE High cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, fibromyalgia, autoimmune conditions, Lyme disease, chronic sinusitis, toxicity
VIRAL ILLNESSES Colds and flu, hepatitis, HPV, herpes, HIV support
FUNCTIONAL TESTING Digestive health panels, parasite & candida testing, hormone levels, allergies and sensitivities, heavy metal & nutrient status screens, thyroid panels, brain neurotransmitter levels, and interpretation of general health profiles
Contact 507C Main Street / PO Box 4236 Frisco, CO 80443 Phone: 970.668.1300 Fax: 970.668.1301 Note to patients: Email is designed for non-urgent & brief questions or points of clarification on previous appointments. It is not a HIPAA-compliant form of communication. If you have detailed concerns or questions, an office visit is the most appropriate place to provide clinical care. [email protected]